The Alias of Colorism
Colorism is the prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.
An excellent example of this was the practice during slavery where slave masters' children with slaves (light skins) were able to work in the houses while everyone else (mainly brown/dark skins) worked out on fields. This practice set a precedent of lighter-skinned people being perceived as better than all the other shades in the African American community.
Though, we must remember that colorism isn't one-sided. Dr. Sarah L. Webb states in her article "13 Points of Clarification". Colorism is not just the negative or oppressive experiences brown/dark-skinned people face; it's also the positive and privileged experiences light-skinned people face.
Back to our example of slavery, one of the benefits seen for Light skins was their ability to work in houses over others. Although slavery ended and so did this particular practice in 1863, colorism is still prevalent to this day. However, some people disguise it as a preference.
A preference is a greater liking for one alternative over another or others.
In society, we have to take into account that sometimes our preferences can be problematic. For example, racists don't consider themselves racists; they just prefer not to be around or deal with black people...
& Though we think that's wrong, that's "their preference."
However, how do someone's Preference and colorism correlate
As I previously mentioned, people disguise colorism as a preference. I remember when a dark skin girl in my class talked about how she only dates & likes light skins. If this comment stopped here, it would simply be her Preference; however, continuing her claim saying, "Darkskin boys always seem dirty to me," is solely colorism and deep-rooted self-hate.
If you have to mention someone else in your reasoning for your Preference, then it's no longer your Preference neither a plausible reason; it's simply colorism.
Some may argue that people have a right to their "preference," and colorism doesn't exist anymore?
And when it comes to Preferences, they're right; everyone is entitled to their own. But when your Preference turns into colorism, that's where the problem arises. As a people, we have to understand that calling it your Preference doesn't take away from its effects on people. Even outside of colorism, people have to be careful with their preferences, words, and actions, especially when they could impact others.
And even though people try to overlook blatant acts of colorism, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Today we see it more than ever on multiple social media platforms where people share their colorist thoughts & actions disguised as "preferences." Overlocking this and saying colorism no longer exists just means that you may be the problem and need to open your eyes.